In the rare event that your Boa Lace breaks (we experience less than 5% of our laces returned because of breakage) you can, as you would with a traditional lace, tie it in a knot. The low-friction nature of the Boa Closure System will require three very tight knots to allow you to get back to the trailhead, bottom of the slope, or home.
- Many snowboard and cycling specialty stores are well trained in performing Boa Lace repairs and often have spare laces and parts available.
- The Boa Closure System is designed to be user-friendly for repairs and replacements. You can request free replacement parts online via our Boa Dialed In for Life Guarantee and view downloadable instruction sheets and videos. Most first-time repairs take several minutes, but with a little experience re-tying a spool can take less than 120 seconds.